5 practical tips for emerging IT leaders

Having clarity of vision and the ability to execute while staying true to your and your organization’s value systems will help you establish credibility and reliability within your workplace and the industry. Cal Newport’s book, Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World, changed the way I operate and made room for deep work, focus and clarity of thought as I do what I need to do. My practices in creating a distraction-free space for myself where I can find the clarity of my thoughts and visions have helped me work through some mission-critical projects including the one that got me nominated for the Emerging ICT Leaders Award. 

I often work through the parting message I want to leave my audience with on any platform in those deep work sessions. My intent for the message and the keywords that I used to impart that message are often the product of the distraction-free spaces I have created for myself at work and home. Every piece of work product – whether it’s a piece of software or an article – I aim to achieve in a distraction-free space so I can give it the meaningful impact I want it to have on the world. 

As a leader, your clarity of thought, purpose and clear understanding of your organization’s strategic priorities will form the foundation of what your team can deliver to make the company’s mission a reality. In the tech industry, there is always new shiny fish to distract you. Today, it’s artificial intelligence (AI). Yesterday it was blockchain. I’m not saying those technologies don’t add value, but they only add value for the right use cases with the right setup. 

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